Air National Guard Command Chief Master Sergeant visits the 144th Fighter Wing.

  • Published
  • By Tech. Sgt. Robin Meredith
  • 144FW/PA
Command Chief Master Sgt. Christopher E. Muncy, command chief master sergeant of the Air National Guard, toured the 144th Fighter Wing during a visit to California's Air National Guard base on, February 4 and 5, 2012.

During Chief Muncy's visit he spoke with several Airmen on base, and he had the opportunity to dine with 6 Airmen.

"Eating with the Command Chief was a great opportunity to see the National Guard on a wider perspective," said Staff Sgt. Christian Jadot, 144th Fighter Wing. "I learned a lot about some of the inner workings of the Air Force that I had not known."

During his luncheon, Muncy shared his perspectives on the Air National Guard, the 144th Fighter Wing, and the future of our citizen-Airmen organization. He also had the opportunity to speak with the enlisted force during the base's Enlisted Town Hall Meeting where he talked to over 800 Airmen.

"Changes are coming to the Air National Guard," said Chief Muncy.

To the Airmen of the 144th Fighter Wing, Chief Muncy said, "Thanks for what you do. Thank your families and your employers."

Muncy went on to say that the coming budget cuts require Airmen to share their roles in the Air National Guard. He said that most people aren't aware of the Air National Guard, so it is up to the Airmen of the 144th Fighter Wing to inform the public about the Wing and the Air National Guard.

"All the components of U.S. Forces are 7/10 of 1% of the U.S. population so I need Airmen to tell their story: who you are and what you do," Chief Muncy said. "Tell our Air Guard story."

As the Command Chief Master Sergeant of the Air National Guard, Chief Muncy oversees the enlisted force. Moving forward, the Air National Guard will endure through a combination of top-level leadership and day-to-day operations that are conducted by Airmen such as the enlisted force and officer corps of the 144th Fighter Wing.