144th FW Headquarters Staff Headquarters Group is comprised of the Command Section, Chaplain, Financial Management, Judge Advocate, Public Affairs, Military Equal Opportunity, Human Resource Advisor, Wing Inspector General, Wing Safety, and the Squadron Orderly Room. Each unique section provides products and services for the benefit of the entire Wing to assure the mission is being accomplished in an effective and efficient manner.All unit members, both full-time and drill status Guardsmen, are served in some way by Headquarters personnel. Financial Management is the largest section of full-time and drill status personnel. They perform and are responsible for all pay functions and financial activities. The Wing Safety office has full-time and drill status members who administer programs and inspections to keep the Wing performing safely. Public Affairs disseminates information to internal and public audiences and advises commanders on courses of action in terms of public interest and protocol.The Judge Advocate's office provides legal services to base members and advice to commanders. Military Equal Opportunity provides training to the wing and assists commanders, supervisors and individuals with all aspects of human relations and substance abuse. The Human Resource Advisor ensures that all unit members have the opportunity to reach their full potential. The Wing Inspector General documents and investigates complaints by unit members after they've used their chain of command. The Chaplain's office provides spiritual and counseling services to all unit members.