Mission Support Group The 144th Mission Support Group is the main support function for over 1,000 military personnel and 33 buildings, which have an estimated value of over $45 million. The Mission Support Group consists of Security Forces Squadron, Civil Engineering Squadron, Logistics Readiness Squadron, Communications Flight, Mission Support Flight, Base Services Flight and the Base Contracting Office. The Mission Support Group also provides day-to- day administrative support to the 144th Medical Group, and provides for other airport facilities though a series of cooperative agreements.The Civil Engineers are our "base engineers," providing everything from design work to facility maintenance. This is in addition to maintaining the worldwide deployment training program for the wing. Within the Civil Engineer Squadron is the Readiness Section, also known as Emergency Management. They provide all necessary emergency services training and serve as the contact point for local, state and national emergencies. The fire department also provides valuable training and support. The Environmental Management Office, also under Civil Engineering, oversees all projects related to water quality, pollution prevention and the general protection of base personnel as it pertains to a safe environment.Our base Communications Flight provides service for over 900 personal computers and related systems. This is one of the largest accounts in the Air National Guard and these troops remain on the leading edge of technology as well as providing quality customer service. Within the Communications Flight are the graphics, photo, and video sections. These creative geniuses have won numerous awards and provided countless hours of work for the flying operation as well as other base support.The Military Personnel Flight handles all personnel actions from the initial recruit to those considering retirement.The 144th Services Flight provides quality meal service on UTAs and handles billeting for our out-of-town members and visitors to the unit. This team has come a long way from the old "chow hall" to an aerospace dining facility. Should the need arise, this dedicated team also provides very dignified mortuary services in conjunction with the personnel casualty team.The Orderly Room provides support to the wing by providing service regarding awards, decorations, promotions, career guidance and overall management of the Mission Support Group.